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Al-Ko Esc

Introducing AI-ko Esc
Electronic Stability Control

Introducing a revolutionary breakthrough

Electronic Stability Control (ESC) from AL-KO, the worlds leaders incaravan axles, brakes and component manufacture. This sophisticated electronic system, similar to ESC in cars, gives an assurance to drivers that even in the most dificult of driving scenarios, the stability of their caravan is being monitored and controlled, providing an unparalleled level of safety and comfort during the journey. So weather you’re swerving to avoid another vehicle, passing a semi-trailer or coping with side winds, you have the ultimate confidence that potentially dangerous conditions will be controlled smoothly and effectively by the AL-KO ESC. If you want real stability and control for your caravan, make sure you fit AL-KO ESC. And check with your insurance company to see weather you can get a premium reduction.


Serious Safety Technology

More than just sway control. AL-KO ESC is designed for emergency towing situations, creating control in an emergency.


Designed in Australia

Only AL-KO ESC is designed and made in Australia for our roads.No compromises on safety. Only AL-KO ESC is fully calibrated and customised to each caravan’s specifications.


Works off-road

AL-KO doesn’t deactivate in off-road conditions. It continues working effectively to keep you safe.AL-KO ESC is supported and fitted by the majority of leading caravan manufacturers in Australia.

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